Camino De Santiago >> The Culmination << Enlightenment may also be Fun

(1 Kundenbewertung)


The entertaining, witty and spritual Travelogue

Knows as the somewhat different guide to Success




Hardcover, with ribbon, individually packed in foil

388 pages including many color and b/w photos

Special Stage-Enlightenment for each day

** A share of the proceeds will be donated to the charity project „BuBuBu-Kids“ in Zanzibar **

** Read more about it here: LINK

(Shipping of books starts in early 2017)

Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht 0,723 kg
Größe 233 × 155 × 2,5 cm

1 Bewertung für Camino De Santiago >> The Culmination << Enlightenment may also be Fun

  1. Paul Carington

    Hope the translation will be as good as the german version. Thanks to my german speaking brother-in-law – I already love it !

    • Thomas Schmitz

      I found a pretty cool translation Lady – guess you will like it in english as well 🙂 (Say hello to your brother-in-law)

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